Monday, June 30, 2008

Singapore Toy and Comic Convention 2008 - Day One

The Day One of Singapore Toy And Comic Convention 2008 at Suntec was massive. Thousands of people packed the hall. The guys from My Tummy Toys and I have to squeeze our way through to the Madcap booth. The lovely couple of Madcap - Nada and Kika, agreed to customise a drawing for Artifact store. Our very first painting from international artists. You'll see this beautiful piece of art at our store real soon. Not for sale though :)

From this convention, one particular artist that really impressed me is Pete Fowler from UK. His Monserism range of vinyl toys are awesome. The Firebone Fly figurine that I've got from his booth really glow well in the dark. My biggest regret is that I should've got the TRWG! figurine.

Before I left the hall, I bought a Gloomy Bear X Bearbrick and got Mori Chack, the artist, autograph on it. Sweet ending to a convention trip which I've been waiting for years here.

Looking forward to the convention next year.


Pete Fowler

I regretted that I didn't bought TRWG!

My new found obsession - Monsterism!!!


Nada and Kika customising a drawing for Artifact

Nada holding up the completed illustration

You'll find this piece of canvas at our store soon

Gloomy Bear

Mori Chack autographing on my Gloomy Bear X Bearbrick